Saturday, May 18, 2013

Perez Trek: The Next Generation

Growing up my dad would always catch me in an act of mischief. I could never figure out how he would know and quite frankly it drove me to the point of madness. Especially since the only line that he used to sum up his omnipotent abilities was simply; "Because I'm dad, I know everything." I remember nights trying to sneak out of my room tip toeing taking extra longer to get from one end of the hallway to the next, I would double check to make sure the coast was clear and right when I was to make my move stealing that piece of chocolate cake I hear from the other end of the house; "GO TO BED!" How the crap did he know????? Props to that man. I thought for sure he was born from another planet with special super powers, that was until I had my kids. Something similar occurred in our home a couple of nights ago. We wrapped up the night with some ice cream. Once we were done the kitchen was cleaned (at least most of it) and the kids were put into bed. I was in the other room talking to Missy when I hear careful steps towards the kitchen. I see two head shadows, one slightly taller than the other bob past. My oldest started to whisper to my son. I go all rainbow six on them making my way towards their position and press against the wall peaking out at them. The refrigerator door is open with their intentions to snag another piece. For kicks I shouted out without being seen; "GO TO BED!" Immediately after I hear cries and moans my son especially was really upset that I caught them. What an experience. Seriously it was like I was peering through a time portal.  


  1. I LOVE the picture of you guys!! And your story is VERY true! Love it!

  2. lol! You know it was the red plastic dice on your doorknob all those years that gave you away don't you? Too funny!
