Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 8: Mike & the Mechanics - The Living Years

Hello friends, neighbors, esteemed colleagues, teammates, battle buddies, and loved ones! I am writing you this last post for the month of June. Due to my summer schedule I will be "out of town" until this August. I want to let you all know that it is really exhilarating posting each day the things that roam my crazy mind. Its like they are free body ghosts and I am wearing an Australian explorer outfit (the man in the yellow hat with George, only I'm Mexican without a monkey - nevermind) with a net. I go out catching these specters and release them through this blog. This song always makes for a great departure, like how the lights come on after the movie is over and the credits are rolling. OK, sorry to get all "sentimental", I will now proceed to shut my mouth and look forward to sharing more wacky stories and adventures next next month. Thank you everyone for your support and reading these, I can't express enough how much that motivates me to keep going. I love to write, I love to run, I love to live. See you all soon. . .

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

a champion at age 3

This kid cracks me up. He is so little and yet talks like an angry New Yorker when he gets worked up. Such a hot head. He came to us by surprise (the cutest whoops by far) and the moment he was born, the nurses took him to a sort of operating table at the side of the room and was met by three others running a defibrillator to him. As I attended to my wife I looked over and asked while sensing the thick cloud of uneasiness "Is everything alright?" With the four of them huddled over my son, a head pops giving a jolly reply like a mechanic would say coming out from under your car; "Uh-huh, we'll have him ready in no time!" Then you here the words; "Ready...clear, one two three, clear..." (yeah, you're not fooling anyone doc). He pulled through and we took him home with this space blanket that glows alien green (Jaundice). I kiss my wife good night and then hit the lights and then our "plutonium baby" lights up the room keeping the monsters under the bed at bay. Now he has grown a bit and some of the things that come out of this kid's mouth make me pull a double take. Seriously last night, I was called out by eating most of the cookies (my wife tends to play detective) and my son caught wind of it. I go into the kitchen and from behind I hear this taunt; "Yooo don' get no mo cookies, hhuuuuuuh daddy?" while shaking his head walking like a drunk man. Like your typical New Yorker he loves to use hand gestures to further his point. He also leans his head from side to side to further this drunken attitude. Where did this kid come from (don't answer that!)?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 7: Bill Evans - Peace Piece

I think the best part after a run is the moment where I jog to this sidewalk in between the housing developments with grassy hills on each side. Almost like a small valley, there are no lights at all there. Large power-line towers shadow over the sidewalk through the neighborhood, they are maybe 50 feet high. Its nice when the moon is out, the whole area is lit up like there is a light coat of silver snow, in the moon's absence, the stars paint a picture of the majestic Milky Way and there are millions. Anyways it is my favorite part of the jog, I lie on my back and let my body sink into the ground while feeling it rise and fall with every breath. I can hear my heartbeat while closing my eyes. I am free in a natural state of bliss. The sweat rolls down my face, exhausted I am, but what a treat to just soak up in the void of the haste. Reflecting on what matters all in this privileged absence of time (unless you have to be back somewhere at a certain time). This I relish in. Meditating on my week, my family, work, projects. I just lay there like a starfish at the bottom of the coral reef watching the ripples dance before me and hear the current moving in and out.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

say that to my face

It is here!!! The new and improved technique for me to get my thoughts all in it's entirety without scribbling like a maniac prisoner on the Chateau D'if who has the world's longest beard (nevermind the reference). The point is I have a tape recorder thanks to my trusted colleague, mi amor para siempre AKA wife. Things will look much brighter in the future with this puppy (it's not a puppy, it's a tape recorder). Usually after my jogs the ideas get going and I have to sprint home praying that my memory will not fail me (I'm barely 30, it's sad I know). The words will be more sincere and raw. True, I will now give out the impression that I am one of those people on the subway that carries a completely normal conversation with a trash can while the general public sit at least three seat widths from me but regardless I HAVE A TAPE RECORDER. Let the world know of this beautiful invention and watch out paper here I come!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 6: Cursive - Staying Alive

I couldn't say no to doing this, but rest assure..that there is no real guarantee for anything planned. OK, I first heard this song while I was in the back of a friends car riding to another town during the 4th of July. The sun had already set hours ago and the fireworks were going off. This song's duration lasted the length of the trip. My eyes were focused on the overhead bursts of many bright colors of light blasting in intensity while others were dying, the whole process repeated itself over the open water. The song was cranked in the car making it feel like a soundtrack. We were in a state of awe. Giving reverence to something that was not planned and rarely occurred to us. It was such a peaceful feeling. I was amazed so dearly at how coincidental this lasted the drive along the Puget Sound. There was no accomplishment, we didn't cure a disease - we did nothing to feel this small sensation of success (like we won the Super Bowl), it was just this track that in the moment was quietly observed. I thrive on these moments. This very feeling generated from such music and beauty (to me) is what unites the brush to the canvas and together create something entirely beyond ourselves. This is what gets me up every morning and to fight for another day, there is always a story to tell.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Bill Cunningham


A man who is known to roam the streets of the Big Apple to capture and expose the latest trends of the common commuters only to log that day's post for one of the largest newspapers in the nation - maybe world. His eye is trained for what to look for and to not be distracted by the over-the-top elegance and flashy styles (not that I could tell the difference). The passion and charisma that is put into what he does from waking up early bicycling out on the streets and fine-picking those expressing themselves to late night developing the films, sorting, rearranging the optics of the day is incomparable. I am blown away by his work ethic. He really inspires and pushes me (without him even realizing it) to go an extra step above and beyond. Often times I admit that my work is not up to par, I do feel defeated as to just 'send it out' and call it quits for the day, quite the opposite with this guy. His art director sits next to him editing the page spread with the photos of people for HOURS literally. Frustration is radiated out of this young man while Bill remains oblivious to his work changing and swapping photos, sitting on it, thinking hard as to where the best pieces would be. On top of being a legend he never lets that get to his head AT ALL. He stays unchanged, never compromising, and stays fiercely humbled in spite of his iconic symbol to the world of fashion. He is known by millions for his masterpieces in mapping styles and creating a timeline (for over 40 years) of art through what people wear that stand out. He is a beacon to me showing me indirectly how you must always have compassion doing what you love to do. I'm sure he wasn't born with eye for style, it came through much practice and getting out there everyday. His life is one that stands unique by having absolutely NOTHING else but simply what he does best with how much work he puts into what he does and lives for. He is an artist of the photo medium and does not settle for less. His whole life is enveloped around taking snapshots at what people wear while never getting tired of smiling at complete strangers that could warm anyone's heart. This ones for you Bill.  

Friday, June 14, 2013

my scatter brain

So, as of now the dialogue has been tamed and drawn out, the order of events are in place, ink has met the paper, first round edits have been applied and now.....the query letter. That single page that everyone dreads. Too little info or heavy blue waves of information surging at those inquired to read, will be rejected. On that note, I sit in a life raft stranded in the ocean waiting it out trying to piece together crucial phrases, sentences, key words to pop out in order to make them come back for more. So much information with so little time. All you are doing is creating a theatrical trailer for your book, article, memoir whatever it is, how would you want it to look on the big screen? That's what I keep telling myself anyway to calm myself down and focus. You are pitching an idea to someone. How and where do you begin? How do you conform to simplicity. Lately I've been practicing with movies that I know so well (front and back) and try to sum it up in a few words. I've been told that it is supposed to be the main core of the story, what does your character desire the most? Why should they want to read on? What stands out from the thousands of other book proposals?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

talking for two

Alright so let me share with you how I started writing my book. I commenced my project with dialogues, which also happens to be my arch nemesis. I knew that in order to come off conqueror I needed to grab dialogues by the horns and giver'ale. So I tackled that first. With other books in the past I have shied away from those moments of composing words between two or three people. It can intimidating to try to think of a fictional conversation. Regardless of the challenge I broke the barriers of worrying and wrote down anything that came to my mind. Imagine it like jumping in the lake or bungee jumping, don't just stand there - JUMP! It was a thrill like throwing a grenade and dropping to the ground to hear the boom. Your characters will automatically develop as you give them lines to use. Try to picture the scene playing out and throw in phrases. I had to remind myself that no one else would read it so that took the pressure off of 'making it good' but to just let go of the wheel and be coo. I did have to keep remember one important rule in all this, this rule will save the world of film, literature, and/or art, it is very key and cannot ever be overlooked...have fun. If I wasn't having fun, the inspiration was lost. Believe me, you know when you are having fun. The ideas will pour out like a crystal clear waterfall in Hawaii (not sure where that image came from). You will be surprised with yourself and feel like you can't keep up, like you're the reader not knowing the outcome. When you feel that awful stump of inspiration is when you treat it like work. It starts to feel like a chore and then you get bored. Having fun is crucial even when you have a deadline. Just have fun with it.

Monday, June 10, 2013

awaking from a dream

Hold the phone on everything. I have awakened today with a sort of a revelation as to my calling in this whole endeavor. The curtains are open letting in the sunshine and the furniture and knicnacss need to be dusted off from the time they have spent in utter disuse. Some things need to be refined, others left to the side for another date and still others balled up and tossed in the trash.( Lets hope for a three pointer.)
I will be honest with you all. I have a book in need of representation. My story I feel has been refined to the point of setting it in front of a professional editor (but I won't because funds are a wee bit tight). I do have big plans and goals for this hefty piece although I know that I have a long and lonely road ahead of me along with a bzillion others like me. I would like to share with you all the progress and steps that have taken me where I currently am (for the sake of time I will spare you that for the next post). I am more than happy to receive feedback and advice about all this and comments are greatly welcomed. I feel like Frodo, setting out with his hobbit buddies on the way to dispose of the ring, except I wear shoes...

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Day 5: Earth, Wind, and Fire - That's the Way of the World

The sunset lit up the Albertson's store front. A group including myself were waiting for more to arrive in the parking lot. The plan was to take a trip to the university the next state over to see a friend perform in an orchestra. I stood there waiting with scrambled thoughts and preoccupations on something else. My mind was not in it's current surroundings while others were socializing. A car pulls up next to us and there she was. Getting out of the car, I see a work of art, beauty herself. Time stood still and at that moment, I realized that what I knew right there changed what I knew before. The thought of someone so beautiful entering into my existence crashed at me. There was almost a panic of what to do. How would I approach her? I've done this a couple of times with others but with her it felt like all the books and rules were thrown out. Shoot! I'm stuck. Recalling advice from my brother, I remembered something key about all this, that was to "be coo." We as a group had our laughs and did converse on various topics on our way to the school, but I felt that my fruition was still not met. Getting to the college destiny and the alignment of the planets made it possible by coincidence to have us sit right next to each other. I knew that this sort of thing doesn't happen often and I'd be a fool to not take advantage of this so I simply opened my mouth and out came the right words. It was just the two of us. We were in a sold out show, and yet I felt I was alone with her, like a spotlight shined above us with no one else in the auditorium. There was a moment of silence, I guess it was a period for us to think of more things to talk on. I seized it to ask her a question which I wrote on her program guide. . . in French (she said she studied it in high school). Her reply was "what? Dumb white girl." I asked her if she wanted to hang out that Saturday. She gave a studious look then agreed with much acceptance. SUCCESS! I started to breathe again, thinking that she would've rejected the invitation. The lights go down and the music commences. The program I'm sure was exhilarating however my mind was in the dreams and melodies of being with this girl sitting next to me. You could say that this song right now playing was in my head the entire time. Imagine seeing a body of 200 students playing all kinds of wind instruments, pianos, strings, and percussion all the while hearing a quartet of funky jazz jiving with guest artists laying down the tracks of hip groovy love. I thought I even saw a disco ball drop down from the ceiling right above me. I was the luckiest man there in the entire state of Idaho, better yet the U.S., no wait the world. I couldn't believe it...she said yes. It was paradise.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 4: The Jets - You Got it All

I heard this song for the first time while in a waiting room to see the doctor when I was 5 or 6. It has a soothing sound to it. The only other times I heard this was on long vacation car trips playing really late at night or when I was in college studying late with the variety station playing it. In fact, this seems like one of those songs that comes on after a huge party is over and people are cleaning up. It has a quiet feel to it. True, it is a love song, but I grew up listening to it as a little kid and didn't see it like that. I recognized it as that easy sounding melody with the woman's soft voice. I imagine being the guy she is singing to. He must be an amazing person. He is being compared to another guy trying to go after her as well. However, she sees something in the right guy. She sees strength and zeal. Someone who is not arrogant or cocky, but is a good person. He was "heaven sent". I try to be like that everyday for my wife. Some days are somewhat close other days I'm not even in the same ball park. It's a nice song, almost sad but not in the sense of depressing, it just seems almost like a farewell to how that song will never be heard of the same way it was when it first came out. Like uncovering a lost artifact. I don't mean to say that the song is old, songs are timeless. Fashions, hairstyles have changed and might make a comeback but for now the song kind of gives you a "moving on" feel like it is locked in its era and can never be in our present day. You almost have to get into a time machine to listen to it.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 3: Camera Obscura - If Looks Could Kill

I envision this song playing during a movie trailer. The movie could be the story where I once took a motorcycle road trip from Washington to California. I see it all go down like this: At first there is no music, but the opening shot shows this kid walking his bike in the high noon desert (in the middle of June, HOT). Cars are passing him, no one stops. He continues to walk it. An exit sign shows there's a gas station 11 miles away. He wipes his brows and is drenched in sweat. More cars breeze past until an old rusty pickup pulls up in front of him on the shoulder. Two Mexicans exit the truck wearing sombreros. They are waiting for him to get up to them. One starts to smile revealing a gold tooth. The kid doesn't know any Spanish, just enough to stutter out 'HOLA'. One of the strangers points to a gas can in the back then to his tank. The boy nods in approval. With one kick-start the bike is brought back to life. He offers some money, to which they refuse. Now this song plays as he drives away. It shows scenes of him during other parts of the journey. He is wearing a vest and has a fat bag on the passenger seat all strapped down with bungee chords. Now it shows him with his bike breaking down and he kicks at it in frustration. It changes over to him trying to flag down semi trucks passing at night with his helmet in one hand. Next it could cut to him visiting his grandparents and he is sitting beside his grandfather. He is on his deathbed while holding his hand and laughing about something. Another scene shows him crossing the Golden Gate bridge while the sun is setting. It shows his life in high school where he meets a girl and they date. At a rock show there are kids mosh pitting and thrashing with some crowd surfing. The scene changes to him riding with other bikers. He gets on a Greyhound bus and meets people, they talk. Now he's running through the streets of Seattle trying to catch a ferry from the Greyhound station. At his high school graduation he sees his now ex-girlfriend walking off with another guy. As the song concludes it shows him shouting at a high speed passing freight train with the railroad crossing sign making that ding-ding sound.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 2: Justice - D.A.N.C.E.

By far the greatest dance song. My friend showed me this while on the highway to work. My world was "electrified" and I could not keep up with the melody and those FAT BEATS blazing in my head. Its almost spiritual with how great it sounds. It opened a world to other similar types of music. Usually after a long day of work I am faced with some mediocre task waiting for my attention (whats left over by the end of the day anyway). I plug in my wife's i-phone (yes, I know that I am too cheap to get my own) and play this song first and start to jive and electric slide while taking care of the house. My kids recognize this song and on the queue of the opening will run to me with their hands in the air knowing that it is "dance time" as they so like to put it. I usually teach my daughter how to do some kind of robot move, I'm still not sure exactly what to call it, but she likes it. My son just likes to be carried and spun around really fast, which proves just how much older I am getting seeing that I get dizzy quickly. I have so much to be thankful for with this song. I am grateful for the grandfather video game systems (no disrespect to the Commodor 64, Ataris, Nintendo) for producing such sounds in the first place to someday inspire this type of music, Michael Jackson for his lyrics to be used in this song, and electricity because without it the instruments used in the song would not work. Thank you to those three elements!


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 1: Tears for Fears - Everybody Wants to Rule the World

This song used to scare me. What is a three year old to think of it? The beginning intro shoots out these jazzy synth notes like lasers into a deep distant black hole. That produces an enigmatic mystery to me. It also reminds me of being outside in the dark around midnight and looking into the wide black open sky. Those two notes that repeat each other give a soothing feel with that chime once in a while peaking through between the clouds. I heard this played most frequently when we lived in San Diego. There was some negative association involved during my exposure to this music. My mom and the other neighborhood moms would gather their children and meet at my aunt's house (which was like a mansion) for daycare. There was at least 15 kids! The mothers would organize us in shifts having some awake and playing while others took a nap. Anyways, back to the bad vibe, my aunt had three or four full size dogs. I was in the crib with this song blasting through the house while one of the big black labs was freaking out. To me it was a monstrous beast destroying the room I was in, jumping and sounding off hysterically. His tail kept knocking everything off the tables and his scared beady eyes anxiously trying to find an exit. He freaked me out even more when he'd whine and howl. I was boxed in this crib while he was on a rampage. Almost like a diver in a cage with sharks swimming about. Now that I look back, someone just forgot that the dog was locked in the room. He probably needed to go relieve himself. To this day, I somewhat shift in my seat with a hint of uneasiness, but overall I thrive with inspiration when I hear this and their other numbers as well. Mad props to these guys.

Monday, June 3, 2013

a letter to my mom

Dear Mom,

If somehow you are able to read this from Heaven, I would just like to say how much I love and miss you. Not just me but dad and Tash. You have given us so much love with the way you raised Tash and I. When dad was out to sea you held the fort with birthdays, church, long road trips for vacations - EVERYTHING. I cannot imagine how you did it all and I thank you so much for that. You always taught us to never settle for less and to push ourselves. You are someone I can always count on. I remember talking to you whenever I needed someone to talk to. We have experienced hard times and cried together and the good ones and laughed. I always think of this song by Bette Midler. It's your love song with dad which was sung at your funeral. I can't listen to it without crying like a baby. It has always played at the most coincidental moments or better yet the Lord knew when I needed that extra strength. It came on the radio once right as I turned the car on to park it. Another time was in basic training, I was having a really rough day and some soldier was singing it in a mocking manner but I took it as a tender mercy that you are there for me. Its been about fourteen years since you have passed. You were in a coma at the hospital and there was nothing that could be done. People drove and flew in from all over to be together. There were people from church to mourn with us silently while you were in your current state. The air was stale that day with overcast. By noon that day your room was filled with friends and family.  We were playing a few games of cards. We were starting to bring a little joy and life into the room. During a game you slipped off quietly around noon. There was a pause while someone ran to get a doctor. Within ten minutes you were pronounced dead. A chaplin who is a good man sat us down and talked on things beyond the veil and how your Savior is with you. You lived a very good life mom. Things are not the same here, but don't worry though. Tash and I are still growing and dad is still moving along. I know this is only temporary. I guess I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and all, also to let you know that I will never forget you and look forward to seeing you again someday.

With love your son,



Saturday, June 1, 2013

an announcement

Hello there friends and family, I am writing you today to inform you that I will be posting for the next two months music that has influenced my life. This will start on June 3rd which marks my passed on mother's birthday to the end of July. I call this an experience music project. OK, I totally ripped that title off from the Seattle music museum. This is very unusual for me to do this, but we only live once. So find your favorite headphones and a nice bean bag chair and wait by the computer every afternoon (except Sundays) at six o clock. Prepare yourself for a wondrous journey through time and space! I hope you will all enjoy it.