Wednesday, May 15, 2013

don't worry, be ( fill in the blank)

Worrying. It can suck. My life has seen a number of moments where I end up worrying about something that I have no control over. The illusion of "something has to be done on your end" can be so persuasive that it eats at us. We can't shake it, and feel that false obligation to try to force the mind to come up with a solution. True, there are things that do require action. For the rest of the problems that are out of our control let us take comfort and peace while knowing that there is nothing that can be done on our end. Just enjoy the ride. For example, a passenger is in a commercial jet. He is scared to death of flying. He's heard all the statistics of how a plane is likely to crash, etc. The plane is going to take off no matter what. Whether he starts to enjoy the flight or whether he is making a scene screaming while running up and down the aisles claiming there is a gremlin on one of the wings. The plane has a destination, the pilots are licensed and trained and the seatbelts are going to come on. Besides what good comes from worrying, it only gets you in a bad mood and creates stress to your heart and wrinkles in your forehead. Nothing good can come from it.

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