Saturday, April 27, 2013

take me with you

Our world is huge! Let me repeat that, no I'm kidding. Seriously though, I do not know if it would be possible to visit every single place all in one lifetime no matter the jet travel one could do to save time. Certain feelings arise in a nice place. A gradual calm and rest from everything else could come up. A refuge. Somewhere to clear your head and reflect inside. A place that betters you, silences your troubles. Where you can do some true spirit-animal-searching-from-within and find what you lack. The world is constantly competing for our attention. There's computers, kids, cell phones, commutes, work, honking, texting, dogs barking and so on. Our days and lifestyles have dramatically shot up on the craziness scale that there are laws trying to protect ourselves from ourselves. Like Toni Braxton; "I shall never breathe again" without taking time to slow down and go somewhere that is inviting tranquility to my well-being. I remembered traveling to my hometown in California maybe 10 years back. The places I went to as a child seemed more sacred to me on my reunion visit. I walked more slowly with reverence approaching the playgrounds, the classrooms, the neighborhoods. It would almost feel as though I went to the past in a time machine. Other places that are great can be ones you go to for the very first time. In the San Juan de Fuca Islands, Pender Island in B.C. Canada I discovered a cove beach on the southern tip on one of the islands. I sat there pondering "how I was doing" as I watched an ocean freighter embarking through the strait towards the open Pacific. What a sight it was. There are places that you can long for and save up to go to. Like Sri Lanka or the islands of the Mediterranean. I don't know, anywhere.

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