Photographically speaking that is. PHOTO DAY! TODAY WAS A PHOTO DAY! LOVE ME SOME PHOTO DAY! Oh yeah! This is an exciting time. Spring is in the air and we were in downtown taking photos of whatever we wanted. I found this like a kid found a puppy.
My eyes have been opened to a world that I never knew was there before. I like to think I found this recent hobby through this on-the-spot story that came from the top of my head. I was flying on a big commercial jumbo jet on a business trip to Tokyo.
I had on a big business suit talking on one of my three cell phones making deals with other clients in Europe. Like Kids in the Hall, another phone rings and I put another phone to that phone so that they can talk. My blackberry receives emails and theres a fax machine next to me going off.
I text the board members when the next golf date will be. Aww yes it looked like it was a typical business trip until some seagulls like from Forces of Nature go through one of the turbine engines (they are in a better place with plenty of docks to poop on) causing the jet to plummet down into the ocean.
No one was harmed during the crash, well that might sound a little unrealistic so lets just say nobody wanted to go to Tokyo that day, just me.
I swam out to a nearby coast to what appears to be the harbor of tiki villages with huts and drums playing.
They already know English. I get there and they look at me in complete disgust and I'm like; "Why are you judging me with those hateful stares?" The chief then comes towards me and back hands me.
I figured that might be their way of saying hello. He then exclaims; "FOR GOODNESS SAKE MAN! LOSE THE SUIT AND PUT THIS AROUND YOUR NECK!"
He pulls out a box covered in seaweed and clam shells. He opens it and there it was, A CAMERA! And that is how I found out about photography. . . not really, but it felt like that.
Here are some of the best! Enjoy and
I will see you all
Monday! I can't
stop yelling! I'm
Interesting story about how photography came to you LOL! Love the pictures of you all. Your kids are getting ginormous. But where art thou my Missyalaneous?...taking pictures I say. Aye..the fair lady is taking pictures. Okay...maybe I should go to bed! I am getting weird. But I guess weird is cool. There I go again. Okay I am really going to bed.I have caught up on some of your posts. I will catch up on the rest tomorrow night. Loved them ALL! Keep writing. I will definitely buy your first book that comes out.