I’m tired. I’m weak, and have been extensively chewed out at
work and I don’t feel like running. I just want to veg out and shower then pass
out in bed. I think this to myself as I defiantly slip on my sneakers and
decide to run anyways.
I scroll through my playlists followed by threading my
headphones through my shirt so that the wire doesn’t catch. It’s currently 8:35
at night and I have a four miler ahead of me that I am previously committed to.
So many problems and worries I am encircled with that give me logical reasons
not to run right now. I should be solving them, but no time now that the first
song has come on.
My left foot goes forward. I feel the music to my breathing
and pace. This doesn’t feel so bad, I could do this all day as I’m already a block
from my apartment. Crossing Evans Street, then Warren. My knee starts to bug
me, no worries, I can make it. Crap, shin splints. This is really
uncomfortable. The next song is more amped than the last one. I just need to
keep going. Slow and steady.
The pain subsides as I maintain momentum. At this point, my
breathing and movement are constant like that of a locomotive’s engine
pulsating with power. Temple hill, this one is the mother of all hills in our
town. This is going to suck. In spite of my weaknesses, I push through and give
it hell with my head down. I quietly take it all in with gritting teeth. My
quads are on fire and calves are doing overtime. I internalize all the bad
things that have happened to me from today to a year ago. I contemplate my
deficiencies and automatically map out solutions to them.
“How can I improve my relationship with my girlfriend?”
“How can I make sure that those stray dogs stop knocking
over my trash cans in the alley?”
“What is the best way to organize our trend charts with the
current software we are using at work?”
“How can I get more involved in my community?”
I made it up the hill. Still going strong. Yeah buddy.
Lightning strikes. I flinch to the sound even over the music in my ears. Hail,
wind, and downpour. I can barely see and with the added weight it’s starting to
break my stride. Its all for me to overcome. More than halfway there with less
than two miles to go. Small branches are knocked over in my path. All I can do
is imagine them as life obstacles. I hurdle over the first one, “This one is
for self-pity,” Another further up drops down now with the rain coming in
sideways. “This one is for laziness,”. My street is coming up in the foggy
distance past dotted red and green traffic lights. Mr. Collins and Springsteen
are blasting as I race against the traffic lights before they turn red. I can
feel myself being cheered on. I am the Frodo of my own journey and it all
depends on me for how I shape my destiny. I can’t back down now, I must finish
strong the whole way. I can’t give up, I can’t quit. The light turns yellow
with me sprinting to the next stale green light. Almost home! I can do this! Why did I ever think that I couldn't?
I make it past the last light right before my apartment. The rain clouds depart from the skies and there is peace resting upon me as I bow to the ground winded and drenched. "I did it," I think to myself. "I did it,"
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