After putting this book down, something inside my head started to turn. The clogs and wheels were intertwining in a perfected synchronous manner. The light bulb is a perfect icon for this story. The power of thought which can lead to belief which can lead to desire which in turn jump starts to action.The power of one individual is an unharnessed beauty tapped with unlimited potential. We all are gifted in a unique way. There is no one else to covet being but ourselves. Whether its movie stars, athletes, an appealing social class, you name it these are just some examples of what we are found desiring to be. Someone rich, creative, free, happy. The message in this book was so clear to me. Probably the most gripping quote from the author was this right here:
"I owe nothing to my brothers, nor do I gather debts from them"
The fact that we are free from wanting to be like someone else or to subject ourselves to fitting in. We have our own styles, voices, abilities to contribute to the world. Quite frankly, this was a great way to show anyone who fears the outcomes of others to have confidence in yourself and to stand up and be you.

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