In high school I worked at a family restaurant as a dishwasher. One of my shifts fell on a Friday night! Yes, a Friday night. So as you can see, I was desperate for fun when my shift was up around 10 in the evening. My bestest friends in the whole wide world would swing by to the rescue me in a blue Civic, we called it the Blue Crush. We had this one crazy idea to have a sleepover and give ourselves a name. We were sitting on the couch in front of the TV and I thought we will name ourselves after the product of the first commercial that comes up. Lo and behold the Nautilus sleep system came on the air. . . and so that was the milestone birth of the Nautilus Bandits. Our primary objective was to consume as much Surge soda, Root Beer and candy as the human body would allow. Our secondary objective was to stay up as late as possible and then when the clock struck 1 in the morning we would hop into the Blue Crush and go to a grocery store and buy Depends (adult diapers) along with the typical condiments for a BBQ (relish, mustard, wet cat food, etc.). You put those items together and you have yourself a "wet nasty". A song from Weezer was the nautilus bandit's anthem. Our missions were daring and we knew full heartedly that we might not make it back, but we were to go out and seek others we knew and leave one of these wet nasties on their doorstep or if we really wanted to have some fun, we would leave them under their windshield wiper. Most missions were successful except for one night. We were meaning to go to a girl's house and raid her car however, the road to get there was heavily guarded by dogs who would never sleep. They were behind fences so that wasn't an issue. However, when we tried to walk the road to her house the dogs would sound the alarm. So instead of tip-toeing, we drove slowly up to her car. We get out and go to town. All three of us moving with a purpose until one of us hears something. He then tells us to hurry up and that something bad was about to happen. But what? So we heeded his psychic abilities and started back for the car until we hear the sound of tiny metal pieces clinking. IT WAS DOG COLLARS, and they were moving fast towards us. I remembered looking back and discovered that they were DOBERMANS!!!! The driver already had the car fired up while the two of us dove through the passenger window as the car burns through the driveway at 70 mph. I kept hearing the metal clinking sounds and we were in state of panic. So never again. . . .for that weekend at least.
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